sunnuntai 14. helmikuuta 2016

Week 4

Oops I think the culture lecture was on this week but I wrote about it in the week 2 because it was the on the fall course, and I used my old post as a base on what I am writing now. I also had a lot of things to do so I wrote a few weeks posts on the same day. So these are bit late.

I wasn't able to be on the superpark lecture, but on that lecture there was a person talking about a activity park called superpark. We were also given an assignment concerning that.  We need to film a video for them to use in their social media marketing and think how they can be present and visible in the social media. 

We went to the Superpark on Tuesday to film our video which will later be found in this blog. It was a lot of fun to play around there and get to know what kind of place it is. It was a great experience since I have never been in a park like that, it was fun to goof around while filming the actual video. It took us about two hours to film the whole thing but we still have a lot of editing to do.

Week 3

This week we were given an assignment to think what a company called Jakelujuniorit could also do in addition what they are already doing. We did a group work on the subject,Unfortunately I couldn't attend in either of the classes this week so I don't really have anything to write about.